We work to display a mobile view that visitors will recognize as being your site, and not something that looks completely different.
The main thing we do is eliminate the sidebars. These generally don’t contain important content. By not showing them, the real content will take up the entire device display. Sometimes, however, you really want some auxiliary content that will appear on every page of your site. For this purpose, we provide a Mobile Device Widget Area. You can add whatever widgets you want to that area, and it will be displayed between your content and the footer area when your site is viewed from a mobile device. This option gives you the best of both worlds – maximize the content display area, while still allowing for a sidebar.
We also automatically adjusts some other behaviors. By default, the font size is increased. While it might seem you want to decrease the font size to allow more content to be displayed, in fact, making the font larger makes your site much easier to read on tiny screens.
For the most part, the standard menu bar works quite well on mobile devices. Your menu items will likely wrap to multiple lines, but they still function as expected. Submenus are displayed with a shift to better fit on small screens.
The site title will always appear above the header image, and the description is hidden. We can provide an alternate site title if you want. The standard header image will completely displayed in a reduced size, but it will not be clipped. We can specify an alternate image for the mobile view.
Posts on the blog page are automatically displayed as excerpts. The Info Bar is not displayed. The margins between titles and content have been reduced. Top and bottom widget areas are displayed, but they can be disabled as well.
A toggle view icon will be displayed in the header and the footer. Tapping this will switch the view from the Mobile view to the standard web view. Most modern mobile browsers allow the user to view standard websites and pinch and spread the view. This gives the visitor the option to view your standard site from their mobile device.
Finally, if you want, we can specify a different front page when your site is viewed by a mobile device. This lets you provide a special greeting. Unfortunately, this also will hide the standard home page on mobile devices, so please be aware of that. This alternate page works by detecting that the front page is being requested, and redirecting to the special mobile front page.